Key Stage 3

Course Physical Education
Overview The course is designed to enable students to develop skills and techniques in a number of different sporting activities such as racket sports, team games, athletics and gymnastics.
How will I be assessed End of topic assessment once a term. You will also be assessed on your sporting practical skills.
What will I learn

You will learn skills in a variety of sports such as badminton, basketball, football, and tennis. You will also have the opportunity, to develop other activities through boxing and gymnastics (trampoline).

You will also learn about your personal health and fitness through fitness testing and fitness training. It is important through PE that students build their character and embed good values and fairness.

Skills and knowledge
  • Use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games [for example, badminton, basketball, cricket, football, hockey, netball, rounders, rugby and tennis]
  • Develop technique and improve performance in other competitive sports [for example, athletics and gymnastics]
  • Take part in outdoor and adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges.  Be encouraged to work in a team, building on trust and developing skills to solve problems, either individually or as a group
  • Analyse performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best
  • Take part in competitive sports and activities outside school through community links or sports clubs.
Further support  


Key Stage 4

Course WJEC Eduqas GCSE in Physical Education (short course)
Overview The WJEC Eduqas GCSE Physical Education (Short Course) specification is broad, coherent and practical, designed to encourage learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged by the subject and enable them to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career pathways.
How will I be assessed

Component 1: Introduction to physical education. Written examination: 1 hour, 60% of qualification. Learners will be assessed through a range of short and extended questions. The questions will be based on stimuli/sources.

Component 2: The active participant in physical education. Non-exam assessment, 40% of qualification. This component is internally assessed and externally moderated.  Learners will be assessed in two different activities in the role of performer in one individual and one team sport.

What will I learn
  • Health, fitness and well-being, the contribution physical activity makes to health and fitness, consequences of a sedentary lifestyle, diet and nutrition, components of fitness
  • Methods of training, training zones, principles of training and exercise, data analysis
  • Muscular-skeletal system, cardio-respiratory and vascular system
  • Aerobic and anaerobic exercise, short and long term effects of exercise, data analysis
  • Muscle contractions, lever system, planes and axes of movement, data analysis
Skills and knowledge Through studying GCSE Physical Education, learners will acquire the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities and understand the benefits to health, fitness and well-being. Learners will develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance. Learners will perform in different physical activities. They will develop skills and techniques, select and use tactics, strategies and/or compositional ideas. Learners will develop their ability to analyse and evaluate, to improve performance in physical activity and sport.
Further support

BBC Bitesize:

Specification: GCSE Specification Template (



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